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FINTICS is the annual flagship event of the Digital Lending Association where we connect the relevant stakeholders from politics, supervision, media and fintech lenders.

Digital Lending is a rapidly evolving segment of debt markets around the world. It enables private and institutional investors to finance consumers and businesses. This gives both groups access to digital debt capital. Fintech lenders improve the supply of credit, expand the investment spectrum and, hence, provide a positive contribution to the EU Capital Market Union. The aim of our association is promoting Digital Lending as an alluring sub-segment of private debt in Europe. We are the power of Fintech lenders!

The association was founded on June 4, 2019 and is located in Berlin. 2022, it joined Transparency International’s Transparent Civil Society Initiative. Please find all transparency disclosures on our website. In addition, we are registered in the lobby transparency register of the German Bundestag as well as of the European Union. We love transparency!

You wish to know more about our goals and activities? Find out here what drives us.

You are interested in membership? Find out here what benefits it offers.

You want to be regularly informed about our work and events? Sign up here for our Quarterly Briefing.

Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft

Do you have any questions?

Get in touch with us.


Write an email or call us. Your point of contact is our Managing Director Constantin Fabricius.

Email: info@digitallenders.eu
Landline: ++49 (0)30 94 85 46 60

Fotocredits: fotografa, Berlin