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Programme 2024

Day 1 – september 26

Registration & Morning Coffee
Welcome Address
  • Philipp Kriependorf, Executive Board Member @ DLA
  • Oliver Gajda, Executive Director @ EUROCROWD
Keynote: Strategies to Improve Regulatory Agility and Supervisory Consistency

  • Speaker’s name coming soon
Panel: Open Finance – The Key to Eliminate the Funding Gap of European SMEs?

Taking out loans remains a major pain point for SMEs. Digital technology paves the way to enhance product diversity and financial inclusion. This interdisciplinary panel of experts will discuss how Open Finance and latest regulatory initiatives such as FIDAR may contribute to a more convenient and faster access to loans in the best sense of the Capital Markets Union.


  • Anna Izzo-Wagner, Co-Founder & Partner @ ANNERTON (Moderator)
  • Loubna Bazine, CEO & Co-Founder @ planky
  • Yulia Yaroslavtseva, CEO & Co-Founder @ Montold Asset Management / Pulsproject
  • Last two speakers‘ names coming soon
Networking Coffee
Panel: Tokenization – „Securitization Done on Steroids“?

This is exactly what Jenny Johnson, CEO of Franklin Templeton, purported in October 2023. In fact, it is not only properly regulated securitization that is playing an increasingly important role in Digital Lending. Now tokenization through blockchain creates additional financing and investment options as well as ways to manage risk efficiently. The development is in the best interest of product diversity and the EU Capital Markets Union. But what technological risks are associated with this change? Do we run in danger of undermining financial stability by tokenizing illiquid assets what may creates the illusion of liquidity where it does not actually exist? Is there after all a need to regulate digital financial steroids more strictly?


  • Paul Péporté, Partner @ Allen & Overy Shearman (Moderator)
  • Daniel Maier, Co-Founder & CEO @ Chartered Investment
  • Marco Hinz, CEO @ CrossLend
  • Jan-Peter Hülbert, Managing Director @ True Sale International
  • Last speaker’s name coming soon
Fireside Chat: Coming Soon


  • Constantin Fabricius, Managing Director @ DLA (Moderator)
  • tbn


Keynote: Crowdfunding in the EU Retail Investment Strategy

Explore the pivotal role of crowdfunding within the EU Retail Investment Strategy in this compelling keynote address. This session is essential for understanding how crowdfunding is integrated into the broader EU strategy to democratize investment and stimulate economic growth.

  • Julia Sinnig, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Luxembourg
Panel: A Review – Three years of ECSPR in Praxis

A review of the first three years of the European Crowdfunding Service Providers Regulation (ECSPR) in practice. Experts from various platforms will analyze the regulation’s impact on the crowdfunding landscape, share success stories, and discuss the challenges faced by service providers, business and investors.


  • Mindaugas Valiulis, Policy Officer @ DG FISMA/European Commission (Moderator)
  • Christopher Grätz, Co-Founder & CEO @ INVESDOR
  • Marta Lozano, CEO @ Crowdcube
Breakout Session: Jumping the Gun – Fintechs between Regulatory Overload, Supervisory Arbitrage and the Cost Dilemma

The level of granularity in European financial regulation skyrocketed from the first market frameworks, e.g. the Investment Services Directive in 1993, to holistic and directly applicable rulebooks such as MiCAR in 2023. The inevitable trend in European financial market policy towards maximum-harmonizing regulations has long-since become reality, contrasting a regulatory overload the industry must cope with. Innovative business models struggle to overcome entry barriers. Once in the market, regulatory transition and maintenance costs are pressurizing. No easy way out? What can become key?


  • David Eckner, Counsel @ Chartered Investment
Keynote: Unlocking the Potential of Intellectual Property in Innovative Finance

An in-depth look at how intellectual property (IP) has the potential to enhance investments. IP fundamentals, strategies for investors to look for in SME, and the role of IP in adding value and credibility. Discover EUIPO’s resources, tackle cross-border IP challenges, and explore collaboration opportunities. This keynote will provide essential insights for leveraging IP to drive innovation and secure successful investment outcomes.


  • Alexandra Apostolakis, Head of Service, Customer Networks Management & Business Development @ EUIPO
Networking Coffee
Fireside Chat: State of Play in Digital Lending

Delve into the intricate interplay between the European Crowdfunding Service Providers Regulation (ECSPR), the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), and the European Long-Term Investment Funds Regulation (ELTIFR) in this engaging fireside chat. Discuss how these regulatory frameworks intersect, the synergies and conflicts they present, and their collective impact on investment opportunities and market practices.


  • Constantin Fabricius, Managing Director @ DLA
  • Thorsten Seeger, Advisor & former COO @ October
  • Patrick Stäuble, CEO & Co-Founder @ Teylor
Keynote: European Innovation Council – A Long Distance Run

Discover how the EIC supports innovation across Europe, empowering entrepreneurs and fostering groundbreaking projects. Gain insights into navigating EIC funding mechanisms and leveraging resources for long-term success in the innovation landscape.

  • Bart Becks, Board Member @ European Innovation Council & SME Executive Agency
Fireside Chat: The Final Frontier – is it too Early to Think Global?

Explore whether it is premature to consider global expansion in the crowdfunding sector. Lets discuss the potential benefits and challenges of taking crowdfunding platforms to an international level. This session aims to provide a forward-looking perspective on the opportunities and risks of thinking beyond borders in the evolving crowdfunding landscape.


  • Oliver Gajda, Executive Director @ EUROCROWD
  • Ian Lowe, CEO @ Dacxi Chain
Reception & Drinks
Day 1 Ends

Day 2 – september 27

Registration & Morning Coffee
Keynote: The State of the Capital Markets Union


  • Pablo Suarez, AFME
Panel: Whats next? Crypto Assets, DLT & Securitization in Crowdfunding

How is the future of crowdfunding linked to crypto assets, distributed ledger technology (DLT), and securitization? Discuss how these innovations are reshaping the crowdfunding landscape, offering new opportunities for investors and fundraisers alike. Gain insights into the regulatory implications, technological advancements, and potential risks.

  • Reid Feldman, Partner @ Kramer Levin (Moderator)
  • Joachim Schwerin, Principal Economist @ DG Grow/European Commission
  • Ian Lowe, CEO @ Dacxi Chain
  • Andreas Knopf, General Counsel @ INVESDOR
Technical Session: Navigating CSPs Double Sourcing Challenge with Account-Based Marketing

Gain insights into addressing the double-sourcing challenges CSPs through Account-Based Marketing and explore techniques for targeting key accounts, optimizing marketing resources, and aligning efforts with sales strategies to improve sourcing efficiency.

  • Claudio Grimoldi, CEO & Founder @ TurboCrowd
Networking Coffee
Panel: Best Ways of how to use SPVs

The role of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) in structuring investments, managing risk, and enhancing transparency for both investors and fundraisers. Learn best practices for setting up and operating SPVs and how they can be leveraged to facilitate complex funding arrangements.

  • Umberto Piatelli, Partner @ LCA Studio Legale
  • Anna Raschi, General Manager @ Opstart
  • Randal McDonald, Managing Director Europe @ Seedrs
Technical Session: Data Management and Analysis

Exploring best practices in data manipulation, integration, and real-time analytics, focusing on leveraging data for strategic decision-making and operational efficiency.

  • Martin Christensen, CEO & Founder @ p2pMarketData


Panel: Crowdfunding for Impact and Society

Leveraging crowdfunding to support impact driven business, social enterprises, non-profits, and community projects. Learn about the unique challenges and opportunities in crowdfunding, including engaging public funding, building trust, and driving impact.

  • Giselle Borg Olivier, CEO @ Zaar Crowdfunding
  • Charlotte Brandsma, Executive Director @ Growfunding
  • Nuno Jorge, CEO & Founder @ Goparity
  • Carlo Allevi, Operations Manager @ We Are Starting
Keynote: Crowdfunding’s Role in Catalysing Local and Rural Development

Following EUROCROWD’s report „Crowdfunding’s Role in Catalysing Local and Rural Development in Spain“ the panel delves into the extensive impact of crowdfunding on local and rural development across Spain. The analysis, based on 418 crowdfunding campaigns, highlights the financial, innovative, and community engagement benefits of crowdfunding.

  • Mauricio O’Brian, Senior Consultant @ EUROCROWD
  • Albert Puigvert Tuneu, Manager @ Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia (ARCA)
  • Javier Ramos Diaz, Senior Lecturer @ Universidad Camilo José Cela (UCJC), Faculty of Science and Technology


  • Oliver Gajder, Executive Director @ EUROCROWD
  • Constantin Fabricius, Managing Director @ DLA


This year we are going to celebrate the event in the famous INTO THE WOODS in Brussels, Belgium. It is easy to find and is located centrally in the city center. Please have a look here to get an impression of the great venue and your way to us.

do you have any questions?

Get in touch with us!


Write an email or call us. Your point of contact is our Managing Director Constantin Fabricius.

Email: info@digitallenders.eu
Landline: ++49 (0)30 94 85 46 60

Fotocredits: fotografa, Berlin